The 'Matala' project will take place between May 2023 through to June 2024 and will offer Artist in Residence opportunities to local Pacific Artists based in Marlborough. The selected artists will complete a 20-week paid residency.
During the residency, Artists will be required to:
- Make and present work i.e. a weaving exhibition
- Actively participate in capability building opportunities through tailored workshops and mentorship
- Conduct workshops in local Marlborough schools and within the community to share their cultural and artistic practices.
- The artists will receive a stipend for their time spent on the residency.
- Artist can choose to apply for a residency of between 5 - 20 hours per week.
This project is taking a strategic approach to develop artistic and professional capability amongst Pacific Artists in Marlborough and to grow access, participation, appreciation and local interest and investment into Pacific Heritage and Contemporary Arts. The sharing of the artist’s work and workshops will be free and remove any barriers to access for participation in Pacific heritage and contemporary arts activities in the region.
The Matala - Artist in Residence Project aims to:
• Develop a thriving Pacific Arts economy in Marlborough where local Pacific artists have the
capability and track record to deliver their own paid projects regionally to continue the
sustainability of Pacific Arts opportunities for local children and rangatahi.
• Enable new Pasifika artists to emerge from the region as they see a viable career pathway and employment opportunities being modeled.
• Offer opportunities for access and participation in Pacific cultural arts to local children and rangatahi free of charge, which removes any cost barriers to access.
Enhance a sense of identity, belonging, confidence, connection and joy from participating in Pasifika Cultural activities for Children and Rangatahi.
Enhanced well-being for both Artists and school/community participants by having the opportunity to pursue their passion and participate in the Arts.
• Increase audience and stakeholder engagement in Pacific Arts - build participant and audience engagement for Pacific Arts, strengthening the future buy-in for Pacific Arts and Artists work to thrive in the future.
Artists can apply by sending an Expression of Interest.

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